From Pointless to Purposeful

This Erasmus+ KA2 project brings together adult education professionals from three EU countries. Lasting 18 months, the project aims at improving the quality of practices of the participating organisations in teaching and supporting adults who struggle to motivate themselves to study and whose future expectations are unclear.


The primary objective is to improve the quality of practices of the participating organisations in teaching and supporting adults who have low study motivation and whose future expectations are unstructured.

The adult educators and other adult education staff participating in the project learn about positive education and the possibilities of using its methods in their work. During the project, methods are discussed, tested, evaluated and further developed to meet the needs of adult education organisations which work with corresponding target groups and face similar challenges.

In addition, the project aims at promoting the professional commitment of education staff by enabling the development of their work in an international collaboration with European colleagues.


At the heart of the project are three work packages utilizing different working methods, where different aspects on positive pedagogy such as meaning, relationships and accomplishment are discussed and evaluated.

Picture 1. The plan presented in the application of the project, to which minor changes may occur.

In each of the three packages, a two-day transnational meeting is held, including lectures, workshops and testing of methods in authentic learning situations.

Finally, the core information, conclusions and examples of useful methods achieved in the project are compiled into a digital guide booklet.


The following results are expected:

The project will

  1. provide adult education staff with tools for solving challenges related to students’ study motivation and commitment,
  2. help determine the benefits of positive pedagogical approach in the education of adults of different age groups, at different stages of their educational path,
  3. sustain the participants’ adherence to European identity and values, and
  4. in a broader sense, promote well-being in education that strengthens the commitment of both education staff and learners.

Project Title

From Pointless to Purposeful – Tools for promoting active and constructive participation of adults with low study motivation and lack of horizons

Project duration

Start Date


End Date



Adult Education


60 000 €


Improving the competences of educators and other adult learning and guidance staff.


  • Pedagogy and didactics
  • Preventing early school leaving and failure in education
  • European identity, citizenship and values


Lahden kansanopiston säätiö


Leena Mattila, development manager
+358 408389515

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